Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lamb ribs

It's not the first time I have been fed meaty lamb ribs, but the last two times I was a bit reluctant to eat. Now I refuse completely, I just decided to HATE them. The shock!

My mom and dad thought I was under the weather but they couldn't be more wrong! I begged their food so mom decided to feed me something else instead - tuna YUMMYYYYYYYY I love fish, especially TUNA(daddy bought it for me) , and a bit of their soup (the soup was not part of the plan to feed me, but my food is in the freezer so it would take some time till I can eat!) Later I will have some more food.

The surprise is that I refused lamb ribs though. I HAVE NEVER REFUSED anything like this before! Besides I mostly never refuse food, unless I am stuffed. I eat fruits and veggies, yogurt (picky with yogurt, I prefer certain brands) and kefir...I even love broccoli - though mom and dad HATE it hehe.

So my short list of hates includes meaty lamb ribs now. And I think that's pretty much it when it comes to food.





  1. Absolutely lovely read.

  2. I had to return to your blog and thank you for the Matria link you posted. So glad I found it.
    Absolutely mind blowing.

  3. I love the subtle irony.
    The title of the article is ''Lamb ribs'' and then the website you recommended proves who the lamb really is.
    No wonder Emma could not stomach lamb!
