Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beach time again, we have an entire schedule!

Well you might have noticed that I am taken to the beach very often :)

Much to my delight, of course :)

Oh well, mom and grandpa made an entire schedule for me, just to take me swimming. They saw how much I enjoy it, and that it helps build muscles, it helps joints develop and it's great fun! We also have a 6 km or so trip to and from the beach, so it's not only swimming, but also long walks.

Today I was so thrilled to discover the sweet girl I met some days ago came running to me screaming EMMA :) We had lots of fun. Mom also brought me my floating freesby and a stick.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here we go again! cleared and we're heading to the beach!!!!!!!! Yesterday it rained so heavily that we didn't want to go to the beach (humans hate getting wet when it's cold :D ). So off we go again!!!!!!

We thought today will be like yesterday - it was raining in the morning. Hopefully it stays clear until we return.

Later edit:
Hurray, we went at the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a blast, mom and grandpa provided entertainment by throwing me sticks. Mom got in so that she could throw sticks in deeper water so I swim. We had lots of fun, I was sometimes running out of water to check if grandpa was ok. And grandpa brought me something yummy :ICE CREAM. Thank you grandpa, wove you big time!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another day at the beach

Well no camera today, sorry.
It was a sand storm anyhow, and even if we don't spend any time on the beach, just in water, we ended up full of sand.

I learned that if I jump around like a goat, I can make huge splashes of water. I looked at some guys who were entering the water, saw how they did it, and I started to jump around, too. They loved it so much that they just went in and out of water just to laugh at how I jump around.

Then a sweet girl came and asked if she could play with me. Of course! She got wet (I shook myself ONLY in a human's presence, they must love water splashes! I do) but she laughed and threw sticks in water for me to retrieve.

So I had a blaaaaaaaast at the beach today, in spite of the nasty sand blown by the wind.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Afternoon photo session

Two photo sessions in a day? What am I? A model? As a result (read revenge) I played catch me if you can and hide and seek, plus make me stay still if you can :D

Photos from our morning walk

If you cannot view them, you can access this link:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Beach time again today!

We had a blast today, again! The dog you hear crying after me is a sweet German Shepherd bitch pretty much about my age, she went into the sea after she saw me. What a sweet girl!

You can see some videos if you follow the link. We're too lazy to upload/ copy paste links here.

PS Even if it was just my 4th time to the beach, I was anxious to get into the water, so as soon as I was released from my leash, off I went!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beach time again!

Oh well, we have some photos, but I will just post the link because we're too lazy to upload again, or copy -paste links in here.


Sorry there are just a few photos, thanks to grandpa who couldn't take a decent photo :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Playing football

Today some people were playing football on the field. Oh well, when their ball landed near me I left MY STICK to chase it. I eventually stole it from them but mom made me give it back and apologized. The reason why mom is surprised it that I left the stick I was chewing to pursue the ball. Of course, I chase whatever moves. And I think it's mine :D

Show ring training is getting better. And I will go to beach tomorrow. Hopefully mom won't forget the camera :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beach fun

Yesterday and today I was taken to the beach!!!!!!! First I was reluctant to enter the sea, I think I didn't like the waves. Eventually mom got in, just to encourage me to follow. We had fun yesterday but today I had a blast!!!!!!!!! Kids came to play with me, lots of them. I played fetch with them, then they were calling me from one to another just to make me swim.

Yesterday I also jogged with mom on the fine sand!!!!!!! today I played fetch with kids. I don't know how they managed to find sticks, mom couldn't :D Thank you sweet kids for playing with me!!!!!!!!!! I love it big time :)

I went to grandpa to make sure he is ok, he was waiting on the sand. Then zoooooooom around in water!!!!!!!!! I was praised by everyone, and made people go ohhhhhh and ahhhhhhhh about me.

I also begged ;) People can't resist me. But they can't go over mom, she doesn't let anyone give me treats. Oh well...She gives me lots of treats because I am such a good girl. And she praises me a looooooooot.

Oh and I wanted to hug mom in water (ok ok, I was afraid for a moment, deep water) and I accidentally scratched her. Pretty bad. Still mom laughed and encouraged me to go back and assured me there is nothing wrong with deep water. So offffffffffffff I went, and loved it big time, mom was praising me like I was landing on the Moon or Mars!!!!!!!!!

Sooooooooooooooo mom, grandpa, when are you taking me again? I love long walks (except mad strays that are everywhere) I love swimming, I love fetching in water, I love attention from people on the beach (yes, I know, no treats from them) Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

PS I know they are taking me again, they have an entire schedule planned for my beach time! Mom hasn't been in the sea for a loooong time, but she goes now just for my sake.

As soon as the water gets warmer, she will swim with me :) For now, she didn't get too wet (oh well I made sure she did, hehe, but she laughed).

And no pics for now sowwy. Yesterday mom said she wanted to focus on me only, no camera. And today she forgot to pack it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Targoviste dog show, May 9th 2009

My first dog show!!!!!!!!

Mom says I did perfect, but she made some handling mistakes in the ring and I got Exc 2 as a result. But mom congratulated me for working perfect in a scorching heat! After that, when I was extremely tired, we did a small freestyle demonstration for some friends. They applauded us!

Mom told me I did so well and she is heartbroken for those mistakes.

After that, a kid was working with his Romanian Shepherd Dog who was taller than the kid, tired, and refused to work. I was extremely tired too, yet mom offered to help by letting the kid work with me for his junior handling competition. She also offered to let him show me. The kid was in heaven, I heel perfectly and I worked great with him. His parents had scolded him so heavily that he was almost in tears, that's when mom stepped in, and offered our help. The kid was ecstatic after having worked with me. He sat near me and hugged me, kissed me and asked his parents to show me. It didn't happen, they left. I am sorry for the very young kid, he was 7.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New forum

Because the old forum has had lots of issues, including database crash, we decided to start a new one. Unfortunately no backup from the old one is available.

Golden Retriever,forum

Golden Retriever,forum