Sunday, December 28, 2008

Emma si Baiatu

Cred ca v-am mai povestit de Baiatu, maidanezul simpatic care sarea pe parinti de bucurie cand ii vedea. Asta se intampla in vara, de atunci nu l-au mai vazut. Buun.

Deci ma scoate mami sa ma joc in zapada, cu copiii. Nici urma de caini in parculetul din spatele blocului. Toate bune si frumoase, cand ajungem in curtea imprejmuita vedem un doberman. Cool zic eu, mom tipa Emma nu. Eu desi aveam chef de joaca ma opresc, dar nu inteleg de ce. Ne convingem ca Athos e super ok si incep sa ma joc cu el. Apare un maidanez negru (cred ca e mix de labrador, chiar, nu-l vrea nimeni????, e simpatic foc!) pe care eu il cam gonesc prin simpla prezenta. Dar de data asta nu avea chef sa plece, vroia sa se joace cu noi. Si la un moment dat mom se trezeste cu ditamai namila pe ea, sarind bucuros de revedere. BAIATU! Sa nu-l recunoasca initial. Avea impresia ca e mai mare. Buuuun, si ma joc cu toti, dar la un moment dat ma plictisesc si ma trantesc in zapada, dupa bunul meu obicei. In acel moment mom ia decizia sa plecam. Credeti ca asa usor e? Baiatu ne pazea pe amandoua. Chiar a gonit pe maidanezul ala negru care culmea se tinea ca o umbra dupa noi. Dupa care a latrat zdravan la un domn care trecea pe acolo, pt ca el asa intelege sa ne pazeasca. Ce tupeu ca a trecut pe acolo (parerea lui, fireste).

Ajungem in fata scarii. Mom imi da o tratatie (Acana Puppy Large Breed) si restul le pune pt Baiatu. Baiatu se uita la ele si in momentul in care deschidem usa sa intram in scara Baiatu o ia la goana sus pe scari. CIRC. Mom pune mana pe telefon si in suna pe tati sa coboare s-o ajute. Stia ca as iesi si eu afara daca ar incerca sa il scoata pe Baiatu. Buun tati ma ia de lesa, Baiatu dupa noi. A urcat scarile hahaha. Vrea si el o casa, saracutul. I s-a cerut sa astepte, si a fost condus afara cu mancarea de rigoare. Intrucat initial nu a vrut sa se atinga de boabele MELE (ok, am vrut eu sa le halesc instant, eu nu rezist nici cand vad sacul de mancare) i-a fost prezentata alta mancare. Pramatia a sarit totusi sa devoreze mai intai boabele MELE. Repet ca erau ale mele, nu suport sa impart mancarea MEA cu alt caine. Bine ca nu eram acolo sa il vad.

Eu sper sa il mai intalnesc, mi-a placut mult joaca cu el. Familia mea are totusi alta parere...Pt ca e foarte greu de scapat de el o data ce i s-a acordat putina atentie. E foarte foarte afectuos si ni se rupe sufletul sa il stim pe strada.


  1. Could you please translate? ;)

    Erlend :)

  2. Sure, I will translate, it's about a stray dog.

  3. I believe I have already told you about Boy, a cute stray that used to jump on my parents when he saw them. This happened last summer, they haven't seen him since then. OH well...

    So mom took me out to play in the snow with the kids. No signs of dogs in the park nearby. All nice and well, when we arrived in the fenced area, we saw a doberman. I thought that was cool, mom told me I was not supposed to move any further. Even if I was in the mood to play, I stopped, despite of not understanding why. We made sure Athos was ok and I started playing with him. Then a black stray ( I think it's a labrador mix, I wonder if someone wants to adop her?, she is cuteeeeee) showed up and she was usually scared by my presence. Not this time, she wanted to play with us. At some moment mom simply realized that a huge dog was all over her, jumping up with happiness. THE BOY! She didn't recognize him at first! She thought he was even bigger. Oh welll. .. we all played, but at some moment I got bored and rested in the snow. Mom decided it was time for us to leave. Do you think it was so easy? Boy was guarding both of us. He even chased the black stray that was following us like a shadow. After that he barked at a gentleman who happened to walk nearby, because that's how he understood to guard us. The nerve to walk there (his opinion, of course).

    We arrived near the place we live. Mom gave me a treat (Acana Puppy Large Breed) and she offered the rest to Boy. He looked at them and at the moment we opened the door Boy burst up the stairs. CIRCUS. Mom called dad to come down and help her. She knew I would also want out if she tried to take Boy out. Oh well, daddy takes my leash, Boy was following us. He climbed all the stairs haha. He really wants a home, poor little soul. He was asked to wait, and was taken out with some food. Because he had first refused to touch MY kibble (ok, I wanted to wolf them down first, I can't stop myself when I see my bag of food) he was given another food. The little brat jumped to wolf down MY kibble. I keep on repeating them were mine, I can't stand to share MY food with another dog. Luckily I was not there to see him.

    I hope to meet him again, I so enjoyed to play with him. My family thinks otherwise, though...It's very difficult to get rid of him once they showed him some love. He is very mellow and it breaks our hearts to see him in the street.

  4. PS in the meantime the black lab mix and I have become friends! She is no longer afraid of me (she was probably abused and attacked when she was a puppy, so she was afraid of all the dogs). I just like her a lot, and yesterday mom encouraged her to play with my toys. She is still a bit shy, she probably never had a toy in her life. Poor little one.
