Friday, March 27, 2009

Lovely Present

Today Bogdan came over and brought me an awesome present! A tennis ball. Hearing and seeing that I steal tennis balls from kids and people, and also because his mom thought it nice for Bogdan and I to play, I got my first tennis ball! I am ecstatic at my new present!

Thank you Bogdan, thank you, thank you! You made me a very happy pup! I also want to thank your mom and dad for thinking about me! Big hugs!


  1. Si sor'sa e innebunita dupa mingi.Mingi,mingiute, de orice fel, orice culoare, orice dimensiune... orice, numai sa fie rotunda si sa o poata roade.
    Adora aportul cu mingi, asa cum il adora si pe cel cu batzu' :))

  2. Pai se vede ca-s surori :) Emma are o tona de mingi, dar tot mai bune sunt alea furate, si care trebuie recuperate de la ea, cu scuzele de rigoare. Minge de tenis n-a avut pana acum, so a fost super incantata :)

  3. PS am uitat sa mentionez ca Emma acum se chinuie sa apuce 2 mingi in gura...Deocamdata nu reuseste :)
