Friday, March 13, 2009

I love bananas!

Here's the proof!




Please click on the photos to see them properly


  1. LOL! Look at that trickle of drool! Emma, why were you holding that banana in your mouth? I would have gobbled it up in a second! Love, Dino

  2. Yes, I had an entire photo shoot session with it in my mouth hehe. Hence the drool. At the end there was a small pool of drool ;)

  3. Natasha adora portocalele, morcovii, guliile, insa bananele si iaurtul de fructe sunt preferatele ei.Efectiv nu pot sa iau o banana din cos, fara ca ea sa mi se instaleze in fata si sa-mi arunce priviri miloase din care mereu iese castigatoare, caci jumatate de banana ea o mananca :))

  4. Haha, Emma cerseste orice. Daca mancam noi, vrea si ea neaparat,chiar daca nu ii place in mod normal. Initial scuipa kiwi, dar daca mananc eu, vrea si ea. Morcovii la fel, ii fura, dar ii rontaie si ii scuipa. Daca ma prefac eu ca ii mananc, gata, e super bun si ia cel putin o inghititura.

  5. Hi Emma, I found your blog true Dino! :)
    love your banana´s photo´s!
    you look so cute :)

    licks Pu

  6. thank you, Pu, you are a sweetheart! I love bananas, you should try them out, too, they're yummy :)
