Thursday, July 29, 2010


Yummyyyyyyyy. I so appreciate this, especially that mom HATES the smell of fish and would never consider cooking this for them! I ate it all!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2 days visiting grandparents

Wooohoooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo incredibly spoiled! Mom was with me this time (separation anxiety, her, not me hehe) And got to witness how incredibly spoiled I am by people. Not just family, but also neighbors. They all stop to give me some love, and today the cutest girl insisted to see me :) Mom had no idea we had fun before, so she was thrilled to discover I have so many fans at my grandparent's place.

What was funny to them was when mom was on the phone with dad and she put him on speakers :)))) I started looking at the cell and was about to start talking to dad :)))) They thought it was so funny :)))

Grandma cooked yummy food for us, too, and I got some at home as well YUMMYYYYYY

Friday, July 23, 2010

Funny conversation :)))

Today dad was trying to eat. As usual, I gave it a shot with my begging skills (PhD in that!) and planted my head on dad's lap. Then an "argument" followed (which made mom burst into laughter) Dad was telling me in a very sweet voice: "Emma, please, I am begging you, let me eat, you have already eaten once today...Please Emma" ROFL

Mom calls my stomach bottomless bag soooooooo what if I ate?

I usually sing or try to talk back(making funny noises) but now it was not the case.

I have various approaches to begging and people always love this :))))

Thursday, July 22, 2010

ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ Nr. 55 din 30 aprilie 2002 privind regimul de deţinere al câinilor periculoşi sau agresivi

ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ Nr. 55 din 30 aprilie 2002 privind regimul de deţinere al câinilor periculoşi sau agresivi



ART. 18

(1) Constituie contravenţii următoarele fapte:


neluarea măsurilor de prevenire a atacului canin de către proprietarul sau deţinătorul temporar al câinelui, dacă fapta s-a soldat cu rănirea sau cu uciderea unui animal domestic;

CAP. 3

Infracţiuni şi contravenţii

ART. 11

(1) Neluarea măsurilor de prevenire a atacului canin de către proprietarul câinelui sau de deţinătorul temporar al acestuia asupra unei persoane constituie infracţiune şi se pedepseşte cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 5 ani.

(2) Acţiunea penală se pune în mişcare la plângerea prealabilă a persoanei vătămate.

ART. 12

(1) Fapta persoanei de a determina în orice mod atacul câinelui, aparţinând oricărei rase, asupra unei persoane, dacă a avut ca urmare o vătămare, constituie infracţiune şi se pedepseşte conform art. 181 - 183 din Codul penal.

(2) Dacă fapta prevăzută la alin. (1) a avut ca urmare moartea victimei, pedeapsa este închisoarea de la 10 la 20 de ani.

ART. 15

(1) În cazul infracţiunilor prevăzute la art. 11 şi 12 câinii se confiscă de către poliţie, cu sprijinul personalului instruit în acest sens, angajat al consiliilor locale, în termen de cel mult două zile de la rămânerea definitivă a hotărârii de condamnare.

E bine de stiut, cei care au fost atentionati cu privire la cainii lor agresivi si totusi nu iau masuri de control pot fi sanctionati.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Very strange weather

After a week of extremely heavy rain (and floods), cold weather, too, which is highly unusual for this time of the year, we are now hit by a heat wave. So my methods of cooling down are apart from air conditioning, also water. And by that I do not mean just my cold water bowl, refreshed very often, but also the tub. Yep, the tub with some cold water in it. As soon as I hear water there I try to jump in! Plus toys that float, and I have a party! Today after I was lifted in the tub, played some, digging water and retrieving toys (sorry, can't help it!) mom got me out, but did not let the water out. She knew I would love to go inside again. Yep, as soon as she left the bathroom she heard water splashes and she hurried back in only to catch me trying to get inside. She scolded me some for this particular stunt because she is afraid I might hurt myself in the process. So she always has to lift me up safely...Not easy to do though haha.

And I love digging water!

Aside from the tub I also enjoy a pretty big basin filled with water, which is placed in the bathroom for me to dig as much as I please. :)